Kelvin Controls | Coronavirus Policy

CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Current Procedure


The current worldwide issues presented by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is unprecedented in modern times and obviously presents a huge challenge to all parts of daily human life. Information and recommendations are constantly changing, as well as being differing from country to country, which makes putting a formal statement into place and then stating this is what Kelvin Control Engineers Ltd will be doing impossible but we can provide an update as detailed below.

Current Operations

We are fully operational across all of our current projects. Should it become necessary, we will be able to provide a full office service remotely and will reduce the staff to safe operational levels in order to mitigate contamination risks.


We are not experiencing any issues with deliveries from our suppliers at this time. .

What is Coronavirus (COVID 19)

Typical Symptoms

  • A high temperature – feeling hot to touch on chest or back and have a temperature of 100 F (37.8 C) or higher
  • A new, continuous cough – this means coughing repeatedly

Employees who may be at risk

Should a colleague present in the premises with diagnosed coronavirus (COVID-19) or suspected coronavirus (COVID-19), ensure they are isolated as quickly as possible and advise to get further details from the 111 website.

Employees that suspect they may be at risk of coronavirus should not attend work until they have gained advice from the 111 website and spoken to their manager.

They should not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital without instruction from the 111 website.

Information on who may be at risk can be found on the government’s and NHS’s website which is updated daily.

Should a colleague present with diagnosed coronavirus (COVID-19) or suspected coronavirus (COVID-19) a meeting of the following will be arranged as quickly as possible:

  • Managing Director
  • Director or delegate of the department the colleague is from
  • Internal HR colleague

The purpose of the meeting will be to review the risk and make decisions on how to address the situation.

Actions for consideration will include

  • Communications to colleagues / other relevant parties
  • Increase working from home / remote working where practical
  • Deep clean of areas affected
  • Revision of cleaning schedule
  • Communicating with the colleague / relatives
  • Who else needs to be updated on this situation - including how and when
  • Any IT actions required to facilitate the other actions required
  • How can we establish who they have been exposed to during the prior 14 days? (Health Authorities will need this information)
  • Consider notifying insurers
  • Departmental specific actions to maintain business delivery
  • Update Risk Assessment

Health authorities may take very directive actions in the case of any outbreak in which we are involved, so our plan will be fluid and reactive to the needs of any externally imposed instructions or restrictions.

We will continue to closely monitor the evolving situation and will update our statement as and when circumstances warrant it